Saturday, September 26, 2009
Barnard Park Playground- Esquimalt
We've been past the end of Barnard Ave about 10,000 times and never thought to go down there until recently, when caught in a traffic line-up I glimpsed a piece of playground equipment glistening in the sun. The next afternoon we made out way down the shirt, dead-end road and lo-and-behold, there's a lovely sea-front park with a sweet little playground. I'd barely been able to un-clip 'A's seat belt before he ran over the grass and was up on top of the slide, almost like I never take him out to playgrounds.
The playground is set in a grassy and shady park. The only facilities are the playground itself, tennis courts and a lonely picnic table. The park however is lovely- paths leading down to the seawall that winds off around the cove. There was an enormous cruise ship docked opposite and between that and the sea-planes that landed and took-off in front of us 'A' had a ball. This is on a woodchip base. This is what I would call a pit-stop playground. You aren't going to find anything amazing there, you won't spend hours there but if you're driving by you can park right there on the road, get a good play in, take a stroll by the water, have another quick play and then be back on your way. It's a case of quality not quantity. Great little climbing feature/slide, nice solid swings and a lovely setting.
Back to the playground. It's a tiny little thing with double toddler, double big-kid swings, and a climbing turret with steps, a climbing wall and a nice straight slide.
We used to live right next door (on Sea Terrace) and watched as equipment was removed piece by piece... after 7 years all that remained was the swings. I see they did replace the slide, at least. However, when we first moved in there was an old style rainbow climber (like the one in Summit Park) and an old-style roundabout/merry-go-round (the kind with six bars that you could get up to a running start). The slide was a lovely old "American" brand model, a little high, but nice and slick. It is a lovely location though, midway along the West Bay/Wetsong Walkway.