Until now if you wanted to get into an aerial tree adventure course, or take a zip line you had venture outside of Victoria. Not any more! November 4th sees the opening of the 3rd BC location of WildPlay Adventure Parks right here in Westshore.
You can learn more about this exciting new location, see pictures and videos at www.wildplay.com . There is also a fabulous offer if you book before November 3rd.
I have two sets of passes (a set of 2 and a set of 3) for the Monkido Tree Course at the new Westshore location. To enter- and please bear in mind that it's for over 7's only- all you have to do is to email me with your name, email address and whether you'd like 2 passes or 3 passes, to victoriablog@yahoo.ca. I'm accepting entries until November 3rd and will announce winners- which will be picked by a draw- on November 4th. Good luck!